Derelict Vessel Removal

Derelict Vessel Removal

Removing Derelict Vessels From the Snohomish River

County Surface Water Management and the Snohomish MRC have worked with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) since 2018 to support the removal of derelict boats from the Snohomish River estuary and Everett nearshore. This has included the removal of five derelict boats in 2018,  three derelict boats in early 2019, and four derelict boats in 2020. Snohomish County Surface Water Management and the MRC were able to kickstart local derelict vessel removal when they obtained a $50,000 Puget Sound Partnership Near Term Action Grant. Snohomish County Surface Water Management has funded local derelict vessel removal after the original grant funding was used.  Upon removal of each vessel, SWM coordinates with DNR to recoup some of the project costs through DNR’s Derelict Vessel Removal Program.

Snohomish County MRC staff and members also worked with the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to support the removal of seven derelict vessels from the Snohomish River in September 2014, and one vessel in September 2015.  This partnership between Snohomish County Public Works, Snohomish MRC, Snohomish County Sheriff’s Department and DNR provided over $400,000 in state funds to help address a pollution and habitat concern that has impacted the Snohomish River Estuary for years.

Learn more about the DNR Derelict Vessel Removal Program:

Have a boat at the end of it's useful life?

Have you seen an Abandoned or Derelict Vessel?

Learn How You Can Help

2022 Vessel Removals

Vessel 1 - Unknown Sailboat (DVRP# SN22-002)

  • Length: 32 feet

Vessel 2 - Unknown AVR Crash Boat (DVRP# SN22-003)

  • Length: 63 feet

Vessel 3 - Unknown Recreational Cruiser (DVRP# SN21-006)

  • Length: 32 feet

Vessel 4 - Unknown Recreational Cruiser (DVRP# SN20-026)

  • Length: 20 feet

Total contractor cost for removal of 4 vessels was $143,500. Vessels were removed via barge. Due to high mobilization costs of this method, an accurate breakdown by vessel is not possible, so we are providing only the full amount for 2022 vessels. 

Vessel 1, Unkown Sailboat

Vessel 2, Unknown AVR Crash Boat

Vessel 3, Unknown Cabin Cruiser

Vessel 4, Unknown Cabin Cruiser

2021 Vessel Removals

Vessel 1 - Confusion (DVRP# SNO21-001)

  • Length: 53 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $60,400

Vessel 2 - Unknown Cruiser (DVRP# SNO21-005)

  • Length: 26 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $10,100

Vessel 3 - Unknown Cruiser (DVRP# SN20-025)

  • Length: 38 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $24,200

Vessel 4 - Frankie Fishing Vessel (DVRP# SN20-016)

  • Length: 32 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $19,800

Vessel 1 (2021 Vessel Removals)

Vessel 2 (2021 Vessel Removals)

Vessel 3 (2021 Vessel Removals)

Vessel 4 (2021 Vessel Removals)

2020 Vessel Removals

Vessel 1 - Unknown Sailboat (DVRP# WN 4560 SO / SNO20-015)

  • Length: 32 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $10,000

Vessel 2 - Sailboat (DVRP# WN 1835 JE/ SNO20-014)

  • Length: 21 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $7,000

Vessel 3 - Unknown Cabin Cruiser (DVRP# WN 334 JE / SN20-013)

  • Length: 38 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $17,000

Vessel 4 - Unknown Sailboat (DVRP# SN20-002)

  • Length: 30 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $10,000

Vessel 1 (2020 Removals)

Vessel 2 (2020 Removals)

Vessel 3 (2020 Vessel Removals)

Vessel 4 (2020 Vessel Removals)

       2019 Vessel Removals

Vessel 1 - Unknown Sailboat (WN 2371)

  • Length: 30 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $13,000

Vessel 2 - Avanga (WN 8528)

  • Length: 30 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $12,000

Vessel 3 - House Boat

  • Removed in partnership with DNR and the City of Everett
  • Snohomish County Surface Water Management Contribution to Removal Costs: $10,000

Vessel 1 (2019 Vessel Removals)

Vessel 2 (2019 Vessel Removals)

Vessel 3 - House Boat (2019 Vessel Removals)

2018 Vessel Removals

Vessel 1 - Unknown Runabout (DVRP# SNO17-008)

  • Length: 18 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $6,000

Vessel 2 - Unknown Sailboat (DVRP# SNO17-003)

  • Length: 28 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $17,000

Vessel 3 - Unknown Cabin Cruiser (DVRP# SN17-004)

  • Length: 32 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $18,000

Vessel 4 - Unknown Wooden Vessel (DVRP# SN08-002)

  • Length: 28 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $6,000

Vessel 5 - Unknown Fairliner (DVRP# SN17-002)

  • Length: 38 feet
  • Cost for Removal: $20,000

Vessel 1 (2018 Vessel Removals)

Vessel 2 (2018 Vessel Removals)

Vessel 4 (2018 Vessel Removals)

Vessel 3 (2018 Vessel Removals)

Vessel 5 (2018 Vessel Removals)

Derelict Vessel Removal