Ocean Literacy Education and Outreach
Film provides a powerful tool to engage a broad audience in a direct way that educates them about a problem, creates a better understanding of complex issues, and empowers positive next steps. Several projects completed by the MRC to build awareness of our marine environment are discussed below.

Our Coast Community Film Series
The goal of the 2018 Our Coast Film Series was to start a larger discussion within our community through a cascading film series that began with the Puget Sound, incorporated the importance of freshwater ecosystem balance, and culminated with a wider look at the health of today's Oceans. The events were held at local higher education campuses as well as public school districts to encourage participants of all ages. The goal was to create awareness while also offering a call to action with a simple and straightforward way for citizens to learn about and engage in local projects.
For the Call to Action, participants received information on how to monitor changes at local beaches through the MyCoast app.
Introduction of the MyCoast app, launched in 2016, created a clear call to action for the audience to participate in local projects after viewing the films. The app facilitates awareness of Snohomish County projects that currently address issues affecting all of us, further emphasizing connection and sense of place to participants.
Discover the Salish Sea:
Free Movie and Curriculum for Schools
The Snohomish County Marine Resources Committee has sponsored free copies of the educational film Discover the Salish Sea, produced and directed by Dr. Florian Graner, to local schools. Florian lives locally in the Salish Sea, holds a PhD in Marine Biology, and has created this film for us to share with Snohomish County Schools. The film was made specifically for Snohomish County audiences and features footage of our region which residents may recognize.
The educational film is provided for free in DVD format with an included USB drive containing corresponding curriculum which meets the Next Generation Science Standards. If your school is interested please contact MRC staff for more details.

Ocean Literacy Curriculum
Based on the 2018 MRC Ocean Literacy Program, the Ocean Literacy Curriculum’s aim is to educate students about the impacts humans have on our oceans, both positive and negative.
The Ocean Literacy Curriculum is a great way to get students involved in their environment and teach them about how they are connected to the world around them. Focusing specifically on Ocean Literacy, students will learn the Ocean Literacy Principles, how they are connected to the ocean, and how they can help improve the health of our beautiful oceans. The Ocean Literacy Principles used in this toolkit are based off of the Ocean Literacy Principles that were developed by scientists and educators from the ocean sciences education community.
This curriculum includes (click text for link):
- Teacher Toolkit
- Vocabulary Handout
- Lesson on Ocean Literacy
- Student Worksheet
- Ocean Literacy Project
- Post-Project Student Worksheet
- Lesson on How You Can Help the Ocean
- Optional Student Scientist Field Trip
- Final Exam
This toolkit was created by Emma Sturgill as a Girl Scout Gold Award Project. This project was sponsored by the Snohomish County Marine Resource Committee.